I’m reading about how this year’s Fantasia, like so many other film festivals, is shifting to take place online I wish them well, but can’t get excited by these virtual replacement events. What have your experiences been?


I’m reading about how this year’s Fantasia, like so many other film festivals, is shifting to take place online I wish them well, but can’t get excited by these virtual replacement events. What have your experiences been? https://t.co/8xAPnos0PU


One Comment

  1. I’ve attended (i.e. watched) a number of panels from conventions that have gone online with mixed results. On the one hand I was able to ‘attend’ the San Diego Comiccon which I would not have been able to do, with or without a pandemic in progress. But even there the range of participants and topics that were geared to my tastes were very limited, some be overt marketing. Also attended a few from an SF con that I enjoyed. Those were all free to attend mind you. But Fantasia is a film fest and I don’t think watching a film on any monitor or even widescreen TV at home will appeal to many even if they are premieres or unreleased films given that they are charging for that. I did win a ‘ticket’ to the new Jay Baruchel horror movie an watched that, but it is nothing like a real big screen experience.

    Having said all that, I just saw an invitation and registered for a panel discussion at Fantasia tomorrow. Ironically it is the ‘Print is not dead’ panel hosted by Rue Morgue magazine.

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